Labeling and Name-calling

More and more these days there is a surge in labeling and name-calling between those of opposing views; mostly in a clear attempt to shut down the other person (or group) and silence them.

Take, for example, the recent term, “white privilege.” By inferring, as part of an argument, that someone has “white privilege,” what is actually being done is the instantaneous breaking down of everyone and placing them into a “victim class,” thus creating a hierarchy of victimhood whereby the determination of value of one’s opinion is based, solely, on the supposed value of their social position or identity.

Resorting to negatively labeling another person and placing them into a particular category (an assumed inferior identity) for the sole purpose of demanding and expecting their silence, or attempting to justify a false moral right to inflict pain or to physically harm another, only produces an oppressive and even, sometimes, racist ideology that creates a hierarchy of victimhood and “victim privilege.”

The labels have become many (ending with “ism,” “ist”, “phobic” and others) and are increasingly, and quite negligently, being thrown around when opposing views are encountered. Though in some cases these labels may indeed be accurate, using them to support a difference of opinion is childish and a form of bullying; rendering one’s own argument, not as superior, but rather, invalid.

Opine responsibly, refraining from labeling or name-calling, else risk losing credibility and becoming undeserving of further consideration.

At least, that’s my opinion.

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