Whose Race War Is This, Anyway?

Who benefits from the race war being waged in America?

It’s certainly not us, the American people. We are all currently under attack and have been tricked into fighting a false enemy. We’ve been duped into believing that the enemy is each other (our sisters and brothers of another color) but it’s really not them at all. Most people, I believe, are just like you and I; confused by all of the racial instability in this country and angered (mostly through manipulation) when we feel our brethren of the same race has been unjustly mistreated. Of course there are certain people among all races who are racist to the core and there’s not much that can be done about them – they must want to change on an individual level and they are, by far, the minority. We all need to stop continually fueling a wild fire that was started (and is regularly funded) by a corrupt group of elitist arsonists who definitely do not have our best interests in mind.

We’ve gotten to a place in America where injustices are being carried out because of the injustices being carried out by the unjust claiming to be just. See how confusing that sounds? And, yet, we’re falling for it. We believe the media is there to report the truth…to be honest…to have no bias. Yeah, if we all continue believing that then there is absolutely no hope for any us. The media (all of it, including entertainment) is owned and controlled by a mere 6 conglomerate corporations, of which there are crossovers within them. These corporations, in turn, are owned by the richest of the rich; the elitist of the elite.

We are given the illusion of choice, which keeps us pacified. Whether you prefer Fox News or CNN or ABC, it doesn’t matter. They are all two sides of the same coin. Same with politicians, Republican or Democrat – they are mostly bought out and controlled by the proverbial man behind the curtain (the elite).

When you possess and have control of more money than the vast majority of us can even fathom and could purchase the entire world many times over, what is left to desire? Unfortunately, the answer is power and control. Power and control over the masses, the people, us. They already control our politicians, our policies and our high courts. They control an abundance of our food, our entertainment, our lifestyles and what we think.

An all out race war would help to accomplish several things:

1 – Advance their agenda of depopulation
2 – Further destroy certain races
3 – Further destabilize the nation
4 – Create conditions necessary for martial law
5 – Global governance of the United States (One World Government)

If we allow this thing to get too far out of hand, we’ll be begging them to help us (which is what they want) thus willfully giving them the control they desire.

Don’t consume what is being spoon-fed to you. Ignore the buzz words and phrases that further separate us. Accusing someone of having “white privilege” is no less racist than actually using a racial slur against another. It is a phrase meant to demean the value and importance of an individual. The definition of a racist is: a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one’s own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. Constantly pointing out differences further promotes division, not unity. Placing people in different categories based on race is exactly what is wanted. Stop it!

How about this? Instead of getting caught up in all the racial hype and succumbing to hate, try befriending someone of a different race. Instead of using the language and buzz words being thrown around by the media, which only serve as a means to further separate us all from each other, expunge them from your vocabulary and simply talk to others like the human beings they actually are.

At least, that’s my opinion.

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