The Conflation of Western Philosophy

With the entire world watching, it seems we are standing upon an ever-contracting precipice, staring into the great abyss of a post-American and post-Western civilization; an ideal and identity once respected for its many freedoms, possibilities and alluring aspirations. I am not so bold as to claim that the West has been perfect, but there have been far worse places throughout history. However, somewhere along the way, things have changed. There has been a radical shift in the mentality of many; brought forth, I believe, by a privileged and malevolent few who have slowly, but steadily, influenced and manipulated the thoughts and desires of Western nations by means of their devastating control over the media, entertainment and the government. They have turned most of what once was considered good and virtuous into something to be seen as intolerable and to be detested; and in some cases, destroyed.

There appears to be an altered, and steadfastly growing, version of liberalism that adheres to a highly radical and militant philosophy. Of course, there are extremists and radicals who affiliate themselves with any and all political orientations and economic theories; but in modern times, none have become so prevalent and widely accepted as this growing tyrannical system of modern-day liberal beliefs.

We must first take a step back and understand that liberalism, originally, belonged to the rational tradition that every free individual was believed to act responsibly and rationally (the goodness of the human race was trusted to be self-governing). An ideology that was based on “progress” that sees the government as a crucial instrument for the betterment of social inequities. However, this definition in action has been left unchecked, and, by its own devices, has evolved beyond what it once professed to be and has morphed into something quite different and entirely unimaginable. Then again, maybe this was the goal all along – I do not know.

Modern-day, radical liberal values, attitudes and actions reveal that both communism and fascism are incorporated into it in a withdrawn form and is eroding into a totalitarian, and even, nihilistic institution. It attempts to cling to the idea that a human being has the right to do absolutely anything it wants so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. However, modern-day liberalism argues that if one does not endorse the liberal agenda, then one must be a communist, fascist or totalitarian – which, oddly enough, are the exact characteristics that this ideology has come to embody, yet, have somehow become completely blind to this dichotomy.

This radical form of liberalism is rapidly nearing a point of complete intolerance to anything and everything that is non-liberal. It exploits its philosophies onto others through the manipulation of emotions, reactive patterns and appeals; pushing towards globalism and the universalization of the liberal ideology as the only reasonable option. Its menu has but two choices: 1 – Conform to its philosophy, or 2 – Risk being harshly criticized, injured or killed. Its ideas and values are labeled as modern and progressive and anything else is branded as outdated and regressive. Modern-day liberalism has changed the very semantics of democracy. Classic democracy (i.e. the power of the majority) has all but been replaced by a new kind of democracy, represented by the rule of minorities over the majority.

Modern-day, radical liberalism seeks to dismantle all collective identities through forced immigration, provoking racism and advocating multi-culturalism. It promotes individuality through sexual orientation, gender neutrality, materialism and consumerism. It dictates the ideas and behavior of others touting virtuousness, freedom, dignity and heroism – yet its byproduct to all who reject its dogma is guilt-deception, slavery, misery and enforced service.

Is this philosophy truly progressive or is it actually regressive?
Is removing freedoms in the name of progress actually progress?
Is there only room for one (forced and radical) political orientation and economic theory?
Will we be able to peacefully overcome this increasingly violent state of ideologies we now find ourselves in as Americans (and other parts of the “Western” world)?

I’m no expert in conflict resolution, but I do know that something needs to get us off of this destructive path we are currently on before it’s too late.

At least, that’s my opinion.

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